
How can i become a frontend-devoloper? First steps…


Cool Links: Frontend-developing- (HTML, CSS, JAVA-SCRIPT)

How can I become a frontend developer?

first steps..

(you can coding cool apps and websites with HTML, CSS and Java-Script)

learning step by step

Web-Development – guide ( Video)


Download ( PDF for free) first steps – Frontend-developer – HTML – CSS- Java-Script


step one

programmieren für Anfänger lernen

Download Visual-Studio-Code ( for free)

Download Visual-Studio-Code – Writing the code

Install-Visual-Studio-Code Video

Download – Visual-Studio-code mehr

Download Visual-Studio-Code ( extensions)
Extensions – Visual-Studio-Code Video

Install live-Server Video

step two : learning: html, css for styling and java-script (for the dynamic)

programmieren lernen

learning HTML

Learning HTML (structur)

Video 1:09 h

Video (2,0 h )

learning CSS

Learning CSS for style & layout

Video 1: 25 h

Very important is a good knowledge in building responsive

Learning: Media-Query CSS – GRIDCSS-FLEXBOX

learning java-script

Learning java-script – function – arrays etc..

Video 48:17 min

Video 3,5 h

programming a small game „snake“

Programming a small game with the name Snake. Using java-script Video

Projects: if you are a beginner start with small projects.

The purple-football


The purple football field is a very easy exercise to get into front-end development if you’ve never written a line of code in your life. You will learn how to work with Visual Studio code and how to start the live server. It is also with solution video. The aim is to generate an automated HTML framework and to display the football field in green in the exercise.

Easy starting mehr


Video 2:02 h (freecodecamp)

Video Coding a completly responsive-Website (2:00)

Video building a portfolio Website 2: 23 h

building calculator

Video 38:49 min

building a homepage navigation

Video 15 min .

step three

programmieren für Anfänger

Cool. Tipp: If you have learnt, HTML, CSS and JAVA-SCRIPT – Later you can learn frameworks. Try to work with React or Vue.js. If you are working with angular you should learn typscript too and you should have a good knowledge in java-script.

React Framework

Video (1,48 h)


Video Vue.js Video 1,48 min


series 27

Angular Video

more Angular Videos and other frameworks more

step four – Learning git – github

programmieren für anfägner

learning: What is a version-control? What is git? Working with a group of developer.

Notice: If you want to work as a developer, you have to know. What is Git?

Video for beginner ( freecodecamp) Video (1:08)

step five learning what is clean-Code?

clean code

Video 1 What is clean-code?

Video 2 What is clean-code?

german Videos – Frontend-developing (HTML- CSS -JAVA-SCRIPT

Please use this link mehr

learning keyboard shortcuts


step 6 learning interview:


Code-Interview mehr

step 7 how to keep html, css page into server?

Video 1 ( 13: 20 min)

Video 2 ( freecodecamp) Video (3:32min)

Video 3 ( 18: 22 min )

step 8 publishing

programmierung für anfänger

how can i publishing? more

Maybe it´s interesting for you: developing apps for beginner more

Fullstack means, you have deep knowledge and skills in frontend and backend and many practice.

Backend learning

PHP / 6,5 h course for free

Node-Js ( 7 h course for free)

Python & Django is important in backend too.

What i have to learn, as a mean or mern-stack-developer? more

Developing a cool app with dart and flutter more

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